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A self-care wheel shows diverse people engaging in activities to support different areas of their lives

Self-care, including self soothing and looking after yourself, is helpful for managing everyday stresses. It’s particularly important after a traumatic experience, or when doing trauma counselling.

Think about the different areas of your life that might be in need of some of the care ideas presented in this self-care wheel. Self-care needs are different for everyone, so choose activities that feel right for you and your body. These are just some suggestions to get you started, and you may find that you come up with important self care activities that aren’t on the list.

Try to engage in self-care when and if possible. Reaching out to others, called community care, is a newer idea but just means that formal and informal networks of care or support from your community might also be a beneficial part of getting the care you need to heal. Self-care can’t address systemic issues; for this, and for when self-care feels like too much, reaching out for community support might help. Mashable has a helpful article on community care where you can read more.

Printable PDF

A print copy of the “Self-care Wheel” is available for download.


Get “me” time
Figure out what you want in life
Learn who you are
Plan short and long-term goals
Make a vision board
Help others
Foster friendships
Go on dates
Get out of debt
Just relax
Spend time with your family
Learn something new
Chat with a friend


Take time for lunch
Set boundaries
Take all your vacation and sick days
Do not work overtime
Leave work at work
Do not work during your time off
Get support from colleagues and supervisors
Take mental health days
Learn to say no
Plan your next career move
Take a class


Take time to sit with your thoughts
Be inspired
Go into nature
Find spiritual community
Do yoga
Play with children
Watch sunsets
Find a spiritual mentor
Volunteer for a cause
Light a candle
Watch the stars
Practice self-forgiveness


Keep or find safe housing
Preserve a calm home or space
Preserve a calm home or space
Get regular medical care
Eat healthy
Be sexual
Get enough sleep
Take a bath
Take a walk
Turn off your cell phone
Engage your senses
Rest your legs up on a wall
Take deep belly breaths
Notice your sensations
Take a bike ride
Do some gentle stretches
Get a massage or acupuncture


Practice affirmations
Learn relaxation or stress management techniques
Check your negative self-talk
Practice self-compassion
Say “I love you”
Find a hobby
Read or watch something funny
Buy yourself a present
Let out a sigh
Give thanks for something big or small
Ask for nurture


Take time for self-reflection
Go to the movies or a show
Relax in the sun
Read a self-help or inspiring book
Join a support group
Think about your positive qualities
Practice asking for and receiving help
Sit in nature
Buy some flowers
Observe and work on your positive and negative self-talk
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