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Effective March 10, 2025: Due to significant funding cuts, SACE has paused all intakes for adult, child and youth, and group counselling.
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A Guide to Medical Care After Sexual Assault in Alberta

This resource contains information on services for people in Alberta seeking medical care after sexual assault. Services include Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs), medical sexual assault exams, and general medical care and emotional support. If you do not see the name of where you live on this list go to the location closest to you, or contact 811 to learn about options closer to home.

Access to medical care and treatment is available even if there is no apparent injury. Most sexual assaults do not result in visible injuries. Accessing medical care after sexual assault can connect people to appropriate testing and referrals, such as to sexual assault centres, but it is a personal choice to decide to access medical services. Healing looks different for everyone, and medical care is just one response option. Accessing medical services is not a requirement for accessing SACE services.

Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Locations

Medical Sexual Assault Exam Locations

General Medical Care and Emotional Support Locations


The improper exposure of a child to any sexual contact, activity, or behaviour. This includes all sexual touching, the invitation to touch, exhibitionism, exposure to pornography.

Forcing another individual, through violence, threats (physical or emotional), pressure, deception, guilt, to engage in sexual activities against their will.

A voluntary agreement between 2 or more people to engage in sexual activity. Consent must be clear, informed, voluntary, sober, act and person-specific, ongoing, mutual, active, and come directly from the individuals engaging in the sexual contact. It is impossible to get consent from children, though close-in-age  and peer-experimentation exceptions exist for youth ages 12-15.

A society or environment in which obtaining consent and respecting boundaries is the norm, for both sexual contact and everyday activities.

The advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.

An intersectional approach to service delivery that acknowledges that the root of sexual violence is power inequality and works to reduce barriers that groups and individuals face when seeking support and volunteer or employment opportunities.

When an intimate photo or video is shared or taken without the voluntary consent (read consent definition above) of the person in the photo or video (Source:

Person-first language recognizes that a person is more than any one experience and that labels are sometimes harmful. People who have experienced sexual violence may use terms like victim or survivor to describe themselves, or they may use words like offender or perpetrator to describe the person who harmed them. Terms that resonate for one person may not fit for another person for a variety of reasons, and SACE supports a person’s right to self-determine their identity and experience. This is why at SACE, we default to person-first language such as “person who experienced sexual assault”, or “person who used abusive behavior”, unless speaking with or about an individual who has identified how they would like their experience to be talked about.

A society or environment whose prevailing social attitudes have the effect of normalizing or trivializing sexual assault and abuse.

Sex trafficking is a form of sexual exploitation. Human trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation is a crime and Canada has specific legislation in the Criminal Code (S. 279) and in the IRPA (Immigrant and Refugee Protection Action) (S. 117 & 118) to address all types of human trafficking (sexual exploitation, labour exploitation, organ, debt servitude) There are three elements to constitute human trafficking: Action + Means + Purpose.

Sexual abuse is most often used to refer to Child Sexual Abuse. To learn more about this, read the definition above or our section on Child Sexual Abuse.

Any form of sexual contact without voluntary consent, including unwanted: oral contact (kissing); sexual touching; oral-genital contact; and/or vaginal or anal penetration. 

Any actual or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability, differential power, or trust, for sexual purposes, including, but not limited to, profiting monetarily, socially or politically from the sexual exploitation of another.

Any unwanted comment, gesture, or action that is sexual in nature that makes someone feel afraid, embarrassed, uncomfortable or ashamed. The intention of the person doing the action doesn’t matter, it’s the negative impact the action has that makes something sexual harassment.

Sexual violence is an umbrella term that refers to any form of non-consensual sexual behavior, including sexual assault, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, sex trafficking, and sexual violence facilitated through technology.

Some of our 2023-2024 Collaborators & Partners

The following locations offer a program called Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) which is a team of people who work together to support people who have experienced a sexual assault recently. The team in each area may include nurses, physicians, police or RCMP officers, and support workers who provide information and emotional support.

SART offers different options for treatment to patients accessing the service:

Printable PDF

A print copy of “Medical Care After Sexual Assault” is available for download.

Option 1 – Medical care only, provided by nurses or doctors.

This option usually involves assessment for and treatment of physical injuries, pregnancy and STI testing, and referrals for counselling or other healthcare services. Injuries after a sexual assault might not always be obvious, people who have been sexually assaulted can still access SART medical care, even when injuries might not be visible.

Option 2 – Medical care and forensic evidence collection and reporting to the police.

This option involves collecting DNA evidence. If someone who was sexually assaulted wants this option, it is best to access SART as soon as possible after the assault, and to avoid showering or bathing beforehand. In most instances, police will come to the hospital to take the report.

Option 3 – Medical care and forensic evidence collection with no immediate reporting to the police.

This option is available if someone isn’t sure if they want to report the sexual assault to police. Forensic evidence will be stored anonymously for up to one year. This gives a person time to decide if you want to report to police or not. After 1 year, if they do not want to report to police, the evidence will be destroyed. Please note, this option is only available at some locations (see list below).

SART Edmonton and surrounding area

Who an Access

People of all genders who have recently been sexually assaulted.

When to Access

Within one week (7 days) of the sexual assault for anyone 14 years or older.

Within 3 days (72 hours) for anyone 13 years old or younger (at the Stollery Children’s Hospital).


How to access SART Edmonton

Go to the Emergency Room at any of the hospitals below and tell the triage nurse you would like to see the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) or that you’ve been sexually assaulted.

Where to Access SART Edmonton

Grey Nuns Community Hospital

1100 Youville Drive W Northwest, Edmonton, AB T6L 5X8

* This facility is operated by Covenant Health, a Catholic Healthcare provider. According to their Health Ethics Guide, people should be able to access medical care following a sexual assault, including emergency contraception. However, those seeking abortion services will likely be advised of the religious restrictions that prevent Catholic hospitals from offering abortion

Misericordia Community Hospital

16940 87 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB T5R 4H5

* This facility is operated by Covenant Health, a Catholic Healthcare provider. According to their Health Ethics Guide, people should be able to access medical care following a sexual assault, including emergency contraception. However, those seeking abortion services will likely be advised of the ethical restrictions that prevent Catholic hospitals from offering abortion

Northeast Community Health Centre

14007 50 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5A 5E4

Royal Alexandra Hospital

10240 Kingsway NW, Edmonton, AB T5H 3V9

University of Alberta Hospital

8440 112 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T6G 2B7

Where to access SART Fort Saskatchewan

Fort Saskatchewan Community Hospital

9401 86 Avenue, Fort Saskatchewan, AB T8L 0C6

Where to access SART Leduc

Leduc Community Hospital

4210 48 Street, Leduc, AB T9E 5Z3

Where to access SART Sherwood Park

Strathcona Community Hospital

9000 Emerald Drive, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 0J3

Where to access SART St Albert

Sturgeon Community Hospital

201 Boudreau Road, St. Albert, AB T8N 6C4

Where to access SART Stony Plain

Westview Health Centre

4405 S Park Drive, Stony Plain, AB T7Z 2M7

SART Calgary and surrounding area

Who an Access

People of all genders who have recently been sexually assaulted.

When to Access

Within one week (7 days) of the sexual assault.

Additional Support

A Sexual Violence Support Counsellor from Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse (CCASA) can provide:

  • Immediate emotional support
  • Information for you and your support persons on sexual assault and its impacts
  • Referrals to counselling and other community resources

How to access SART Calgary

If 14 years or older, go to the Sheldon M. Chumir Urgent Care Centre or to any emergency department or urgent care centre and tell the triage nurse that you have been sexually assaulted. If under 14 years old, go to the Alberta Children’s Hospital Emergency Department and tell the triage nurse that you or your child has been sexually assaulted.

Where to access SART Calgary

Sheldon M. Chumir Health Centre

1213 4 Street SW, Calgary, AB T2R 0X7

Alberta Children’s Hospital

(For those under 14 years) 28 Oki Drive NW Calgary, AB T3B 6A8

SART Lethbridge

Who an Access

People of all genders who have recently been sexually assaulted.

When to Access

Within 4 days (96 hours) of the sexual assault.

Additional Support

All patients receive referrals for follow-up care, including the local sexual assault centre

How to access SART Lethbridge

Within Lethbridge:

go to the Chinook Regional Hospital Emergency Department

Outside of Lethbridge:

Physicians at rural emergency departments in the South Zone-East or South Zone-West can call SART for advice or to arrange SART involvement


Where to access SART Lethbridge

Chinook Regional Hospital

960 19 Street S Lethbridge, AB T1J 1W5

SART Lloydminster

Who an Access

People of all genders who have recently been sexually assaulted.

When to Access

Within 5 days of the sexual assault.

Additional Support

An advocate from the local sexual assault centre can provide support throughout the visit to the Hospital, RCMP, or Little Bear Child and Youth Advocacy Centre and provide references based on needs and requests.

How to access SART Lloydminster

SART can be accessed at the Lloydminster Hospital and/or Lloydminster RCMP Detachment, with services provided at the Lloydminster Hospital.

Staff at either location will activate the SART advocates to provide in-person support.

Lloydminster SART can also be activated by the Victim Service Units and Child & Family Services.


Please note: Lloydminster SART does not offer Option 3 (medical care, forensic evidence collection, with no immediate reporting to police). Only Option 1 (medical care only) and 2 (medical care, forensic evidence collection, and reporting to police) are available at this time.

Where to access SART Lloydminster

Lloydminster Hospital

3820 43 Avenue Llyodminster, SK S9V 1Y5

Lloydminster RCMP Detachment

5106 44 Street Lloydminster, AB T9V 0A6

Lloydminster Sexual Assault Services

5011 49 Avenue Llyodminster, SK S9V 1R5

SART Medicine Hat

Who an Access

Anyone 14 years or older who has been sexually assaulted. For anyone under 14, pediatrics is called and the SART team is not included.

When to Access

Within 4 days (96 hours) of the sexual assault.


How to access SART Medicine Hat

Within Medicine Hat:

Go to the Medicine Hat Regional Hospital Emergency Department

Outside of Medicine Hat:

Physicians at rural emergency departments in the South Zone-East or South Zone-West can call SART for advice or to arrange SART involvement

Where to access SART Medicine Hat

Medicine Hat Regional Hospital

3820 43 Avenue Llyodminster, SK S9V 1Y5

SART Red Deer and Central Alberta

Who an Access

Anyone who has been affected by sexual violence can access the SART program. For those who are under the age of 13, the SART team will still respond, but a pediatrician will do the examination.

When to Access

Anyone at anytime can go to the hospital. However, to collect a forensic kit needs to be completed within 7 days.

Please note, Option 3 (medical care, forensic evidence collection, with no immediate reporting to police) is offered at the SART nurse’s discretion.


Additional support

A Central Alberta Sexual Assault Support Centre (CASASC) trained SART member can provide an information package and a support package (including a blanket and stuffed animal).


How to access SART Red Deer and Central Alberta

Go to the Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre’s Emergency Department and tell the triage nurse you would like to see the Sexual Assault Response Team or tell them you’ve been sexually assaulted.

Where to access SART Red Deer and Central Alberta

Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre

3942 50a Avenue Red Deer, AB T4N 4E7

SART Lake Louise

The Lake Louise Medical Centre recently completed Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) training & can now conduct both medical treatment and forensic examinations (sexual assault exam kit) for the Lake Louise community. This is an important step in increasing access to specialized sexual assault services – previously individuals had to travel to Calgary for the exam.

Who an Access

People of all genders who are 16 years or older, who have been recently sexually assaulted.

For anyone under 16 years old, the clinic will arrange transportation to CSART in Calgary.

When to Access

The Sexual Assault Evidence kit can be completed within 4 days (96 hours) of the sexual assault.

Medical and mental health care will be provided to survivors regardless of timeline since assault.

Additional support

3rd option evidence storage is available through self-referral at the Lake Louise Medical Clinic, or with an RCMP member if the survivor has chosen to report. The kits will be kept anonymously at the local police detachment, with a file number associated with their patient’s chart at the clinic.

Survivors will be able to continue their care at the clinic for medical follow-ups regarding testing (self swabs/blood work), along with STI treatments, pregnancy prevention or termination.


Where to access Lake Louise SART in the Bow Valley Region

Lake Louise Medical Centre

200 Hector Rd, Lake Louise, AB T0L 1E0

Sexual Medical Exams

The following locations do not have SART programs but offer sexual assault exams for people who have recently been sexually assaulted. Please note that, while sexual assault exams can include the collection of evidence and reporting to the police, the following locations do not offer the third option of collecting and storing evidence without immediate reporting.

Additional support

in AthabascaBonnyvilleLac la Bicheand St. Paul

Dragonfly Counselling & Support Centre (DCSC) satellite offices may be available to provide hospital accompaniment during business hours (Monday – Thursday 8:30am-4:00pm). To access this service please call 780.812.3174.


Additional support

in Fort McMurray

For hospital accompaniment contact the Sexual Assault Program at Waypoints at 780.791.6708.


Where to access Athabasca medical exams

Athabasca Healthcare Centre

3100 48 Avenue, Athabasca, AB T9S 1M9

Where to access Bonnyville medical exams

Bonnyville Healthcare Centre

5001 Lakeshore Drive, Bonnyville, AB T9N 2J7

*This facility is operated by Covenant Health, a Catholic Healthcare provider. According to their Health Ethics Guide, people should be able to access medical care following a sexual assault, including emergency contraception. However, those seeking abortion services will likely be advised of the ethical restrictions that prevent Catholic hospitals from offering abortion.

Where to access Fort McMurray medical exams

Northern Lights Regional Hospital

7 Hospital Street, Fort McMurray, AB T9H 1P2

Where to access Lac la Biche medical exams

William J Cadzow – Lac la Biche Healthcare Centre

9110 93 Street, Lac la Biche, AB T0A 2C0

Where to access St. Paul medical exams

St. Therese – St. Paul Healthcare Centre

4713 48 Avenue, St. Paul, AB T0A 3A3

*This facility is operated by Covenant Health, a Catholic Healthcare provider. According to their Health Ethics Guide, people should be able to access medical care following a sexual assault, including emergency contraception. However, those seeking abortion services will likely be advised of the ethical restrictions that prevent Catholic hospitals from offering abortion.

General Medical Care and Emotional Support Services

The following locations offer medical care for people who have recently been sexually assaulted, and have services that can provide emotional support nearby. Anyone can access medical care following a sexual assault from an emergency physician, urgent care physician, or family physician across the province. Emergency physicians are also able to conduct the forensic evidence kit collection.

Please note that forensic evidence collection is not an Alberta Health Services insured service, therefore emergency physicians are not obligated to perform this examination and/or may not feel comfortable doing so.

Bow Valley Region

For information and support making decisions regarding medical care, contact the Harmony Project’s Sexual Violence Prevention and Response program (Monday-Saturday, 9:00am – 5:00pm) to speak with a Sexual Violence Support Worker. They are able to provide support over the phone, in the YWCA Banff office, or in the hospital.

Where to access Banff medical care and emotional support services

Banff Mineral Springs Hospital

305 Lynx Street, Banff, AB T1L 1H7

*This facility is operated by Covenant Health, a Catholic Healthcare provider. According to their Health Ethics Guide, people should be able to access medical care following a sexual assault, including emergency contraception. However, those seeking abortion services will likely be advised of the ethical restrictions that prevent Catholic hospitals from offering abortion

Where to access Canmore medical care and emotional support services

Canmore General Hospital

1100 Hospital Place, Canmore, AB T1W 1N2

Peace Country Region (Northwestern Alberta)

For people living in this Northwest region of Alberta, medical care after a sexual assault can be accessed at the emergency room of the nearest hospital. Staff at the hospital can connect people who’ve been sexually assaulted to a Victim Service Unit and provide information regarding Pace Community Support, Sexual Assault, and Trauma Centre (Pace).

Crisis support for people living in the region is also available through the Peace Country Sexual Assault Helpline at 1.888.377.3223.

Where to access Peace Country Region (Northwestern Alberta) medical care and emotional support services

Pace Centre

10031 103 Ave, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 1B9
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