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Pages from the new SACE Diversity and Inclusion program resource for newcomers Landed: Relationships and consent in Canada on a mint green background.

New resource helps newcomers with concepts related to sexual violence

Landed: Relationships and consent in Canada is a new resource that helps newcomers (non-permanent residents, immigrants, refugees, and non-status individuals) learn about concepts related to sexual violence in Canada. Topics include definitions of consent, sexual assault, trauma, examples of sexual harassment, and community resources. The booklet, available in print and digital format, is written in accessible language.

“Part of our broader strategy at SACE is to reduce barriers and increase accessibility to our services, which includes connecting with newcomer communities. We are taking steps with our community counselling program, tailored group counselling and now, this new Landed booklet for immigrants,” says Mary Jane James, Chief Executive Officer of SACE.

“Sexual violence exists in all cultures but newcomer communities experience extra barriers in addressing it, like settlement stressors and navigating a new culture. We saw a need for information about consent laws adapted for people who were not born in Canada. SACE consulted with newcomer communities throughout the process and made changes according to their feedback. We are happy to offer it to the community,” says Meital Siva-Jain, Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Initiatives Team Lead.

Testimonials from Newcomers

“(I think) this booklet can definitely help newcomers who don’t know much about Canada and about the law here, also about the amazing support provided, especially for people who came here from countries where there is not much awareness for this topic. 

“Sure you are doing very good job with all information and references in this booklet so I think that will influence our communities positively and it will raise the awareness among our society towards sexual harassment.” 

“I liked the graphics which were diverse and representative of many cultures.” 

Landed: Relationships and consent in Canada was developed by SACE, and its creation was made possible by funding through the Edmonton Community Foundation. Print copies were created through additional support from REACH Edmonton, and will be made available to settlement agencies throughout Edmonton.

View the digital version of Landed: Relationships and consent in Canada at Email ac.ecasobfsctd-736b15@ofni to request print copies for no fee.

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