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The SACE Public Education team empowers individuals and communities to take action against sexual violence.

To accomplish this, we deliver presentations, workshops, seminars, and online courses, distribute brochures and educational materials, and attend community events.

By providing information about sexual violence and how it can impact someone who has experienced it, SACE works to counter the normalization of sexual violence in our community, and increase the support available to people who have experienced abuse. The SACE Public Education team also assists organizations in responding to sexual violence through our Institutional Support Program.

A SACE public educator sits at a community resources table to promote SACE services and print materials

How to book

To learn more and to book a presentation with one of our educators, please visit the SACE Booking Requests page.

Community resources

Ask SACE to set up a booth at your community fair or event, or request print copies of SACE resources and other educational materials for your agency or school!

For digital versions, visit our print materials page and Learn page.

The best way to prevent sexual violence is to empower communities and individuals with accurate, non-victim blaming information.

We provide Public Education for:

Youth & Young Adults

Age-appropriate sexual violence education for youth over the age of 12.


Educational sessions for adults connected to different community groups and services.


Learning opportunities for employers and employees on a variety of topics related to sexual violence.

Preschool Children

A training program for preschool and early elementary teachers to use with students ages 3-5  in their classrooms to address the issue of child sexual abuse.

Education for Youth & Young Adults

Our SACE public education team facilitates age-appropriate sexual violence education to youth over the age of 12. SACE is an approved vendor with the Edmonton Public School Board (EPSB), and we work with many Catholic and rural school districts.

See below for examples of the educational sessions available to youth.

To book a presentation for youth (schools, community groups, clubs, etc.), you will need to fill out the SACE Public Education Youth Presentation Booking Request form.

All presentations can be tailored for content and length to meet the needs of specific groups. Let us know what you’re looking for!

Sexual Harassment & Consent

Grade 7

Definition of sexual harassment
Different types of sexual harassment
Impacts of sexual harassment
Prevalence of sexual harassment using age-appropriate examples
Age-appropriate scenarios to help youth recognize sexual harassment
Supporting a friend who is experiencing sexual harassment
Resources available for people who have been impacted by sexual harassment

Non-Consensual Photo Sharing

Grade 7 – 12

Definitions of photo sharing, consent, and coercion
Discussion of consent and abuse as they are related to photo sharing
Photo sharing and the law
Age-appropriate scenarios to help youth understand when photo sharing is happening without consent
Supporting a friend who has experienced non-consensual photo sharing
Resources available for people who have been impacted by non-consensual photo sharing

Sexual Assault & Consent

Grade 8 – 12

Definitions of sexual assault,  consent, and coercion
Rates of sexual assault in Canada
Challenging victim blaming
How to assess consent using age-appropriate examples
Supporting a friend who has experienced sexual assault/abuse
Resources available for people who have been impacted by sexual violence


Created by the Centre for Sexuality and facilitated by SACE, WiseGuyz is a full-year, in-school, evidence-informed healthy relationships and healthy sexuality program for grade 9 boys and masculine youth.

The program aims to reduce sexual and dating violence, improve mental and sexual health, and decrease homophobic attitudes by creating a safer space for participants to critically examine and deconstruct conventional masculine norms.


Contact Public Education to get more information on the program, or to set up a time to speak to one of our WiseGuyz facilitators about how WiseGuyz can work in your school.

Additional Education Options for Youth

In addition to speaking to youth in schools, SACE public educators have conversations with youth ages 12-18 who are in care, as well as through youth-serving community groups, programs, and organizations.

If you are a young person who is interested in learning more about topics related to sexual violence, please visit our Learn page, or email ac.ecasobfsctd@noitacude to find out about community groups hosting upcoming education sessions.


our Learn page.


Public Education.

Education for Adults

Educational sessions are available for adults connected to different community groups and services.

To book an adult educational session please email the SACE Public Education department.

Adults Receiving Support from Community Services

Including adults who are in addiction facilities, recovering from domestic violence, or enrolled in support programming at a community agency

Possible topics of interest include: sexual assault information, child sexual abuse information, understanding the experiences of adults who were sexually abused as children, common impacts of trauma related to sexual abuse, and how to support others.

Adults with Developmental Disabilities

SACE facilitators can help give adults with developmental disabilities tools to talk about and identify sexual abuse through discussions about boundaries, healthy and unhealthy relationship behaviours, and how to identify and communicate with those that can provide support.

Community Groups & Programs

Including athletic, leisure, art, religious, parent, and youth-serving groups

Possible topics of interest for adults involved in community groups and programs may include: sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual abuse as it relates to children and youth, creating safer spaces, and responding to disclosures of sexual abuse.

Caregiver Information Sessions

Information sessions can be tailored for parents and legal guardians of children and youth. Possible topics include child sexual abuse, youth and sexual abuse, youth and consent, non-consensual photo sharing, internet luring, and how to respond to disclosures of sexual abuse from children and youth.

Online Courses for Adults & Professionals

Recognizing and Responding to Sexual Violence

Self-directed for 3 weeks

Who it’s for:

SACE offers an online course to support community members who want to strengthen their skills as supporters.

This self-paced online course is designed to be highly interactive and it can be completed on your own schedule.

Topics include:

Course introduction and overview of SACE services
Sexual violence core facts and definitions
Self-care and boundaries
Trauma impacts
Support skills

Participants can expect to spend two to three hours per week engaging with a mix of text, videos, and resources, as well as discussions facilitated by a member of the SACE Public Education Team.

$0 - $40

This course is available on a sliding scale of $0 – $40 to ensure that cost is not a barrier to participation. We ask for those who are able to consider a contribution of $25. Proceeds will go directly towards funding SACE services.

Nov. 18 to Dec. 9, 2024

Sign up for the next Responding to Sexual Violence interactive online workshop.

SACE also offers online courses for adults on our counselling waitlist and partners and supporters of adults who have experienced sexual violence.

Sexual Violence and the 2SLGBTQ+ Community

Who it’s for:

This self-paced online course is for adult members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community and adults who are looking to learn more about or provide support to those in the community who have experienced sexual violence.

Self-directed for 30 days

Topics include:

Course introduction and overview of SACE services
Sexual violence core facts and definitions
2SLGBTQ+ history
Queer trauma and trauma impacts
Support skills and resources

Over the course of 30 days, participants can expect to spend approximately 8 hours working through the course content independently, at a pace that feels right for them.

A member of the SACE Public Education team will be available to answer any questions participants have as they engage with a mix of text, videos, web resources, and reflection questions throughout the course.

$0 - $40

This course is available on a sliding scale to ensure that cost is not a barrier to participation. Proceeds will go directly towards funding SACE services.

30-day access

Sign up for the Sexual Violence and the 2SLGBTQ+ Community interactive online workshop.

Racism and Sexual Violence

Who it’s for:

Anyone who wants to learn more about the intersections of sexual violence and racism. The goal of this course is to develop an understanding of the connection between racism and sexual violence for the purpose of empowering individuals and communities to enact meaningful change.

Self-directed for 30 days

Topics include:

Course introduction and overview of SACE services
Sexual violence core facts and definitions
Impacts of racial trauma
Support after racialized trauma and resources

Over the course of 30 days, participants can expect to spend approximately 8 hours working through the course content independently, at a pace that feels right for them.

A member of the SACE Public Education team will be available to answer any questions participants have as they engage with a mix of text, videos, web resources, and reflection questions throughout the course.

$0 - $40

This course is available on a sliding scale to ensure that cost is not a barrier to participation. Proceeds will go directly towards funding SACE services.

30-day access

Sign up for the Racism and Sexual Violence interactive online workshop

Education for Professionals

The SACE Public Education team offers professional learning opportunities to employers and employees on a variety of topics related to sexual violence. The Public Education team will work with you to create a session tailored to your needs. See below for examples of the professional learning opportunities available to your organization.

If your company, organization, or community group is seeking to create an environment that responds supportively and appropriately to sexual violence, please visit our Institutional Support page.

Image Of Public Education Material For Frontline And Advocacy Workers In Newcomer And Refugee Communities

Workshops for Newcomer Communities

SACE offers tailored workshops to newcomer, refugee and immigrant communities and their service providers. Possible topics of interest include: Consent in Canada; exploring consent within cultures; sexual violence information; post-traumatic growth and resilience; immigration status and consent; how to support survivors; responding to disclosures; how to report; navigating the legal system; youth, sexual violence & technology; age of consent, and; child sexual abuse information.  

Supportive Responses to Sexual Violence

This session can be tailored towards the age group service providers are supporting, and for groups with specific needs such as older adults and people with developmental disabilities. Participants receive an in-depth understanding of child sexual abuse, ages of consent, sexual assault, and sexual harassment. They also explore how individuals may be uniquely impacted by trauma related to sexual abuse, as well as how best to support people who are experiencing these impacts. Specific strategies for responding to disclosures of sexual abuse are explored. Optional activities and role-play scenarios give participants the skills, knowledge, and confidence to address the issue of sexual violence.

SPEAK – Safe Preschooler’s Education and Awareness Kit

This training is designed for professionals who engage in on-going learning with children ages 3-5. Participants receive a SPEAK kit that consists of 12 lesson posters, a training manual, and a puppet. Training includes information on child sexual abuse, potential indicators of abuse, and how to respond to disclosures of sexual abuse from children. Participants also learn how to integrate the SPEAK kit into their daily learning activities.

For more information about SPEAK see For Preschool Children below.

5-Minute Friend

5-Minute Friend is a three hour, highly interactive and industry-specific sexual violence response and bystander intervention training for folks working in nightlife and hospitality environments. The program offers knowledge and skills for identifying predatory or non-consensual behavior and safely and appropriately intervening. 5 Minute Friend is endorsed by AGLC’s Best Bar None Program. To discuss a training, please contact ac.ecasobfsctd@noitacude.

Youth, Sexual Violence and Technology

This session provides service providers with information regarding youth and consent, internet luring, and non-consensual photo sharing amongst peers. Participants are empowered to respond to instances of non-consensual photo sharing in a non-victim blaming and supportive manner. Optional activities and role-plays are available.

Child Sexual Abuse Information

This session is for people who work with children under the age of 12. We provide participants with an in-depth understanding of child sexual abuse, potential indicators and impacts, as well as how to respond to disclosures from children. Optional activities and role-play scenarios give service providers the knowledge and skills needed to address the issue of child sexual abuse.

Image Of A Group Of Elderly People Against A Navy Background

Workshops for Older Adults

SACE offers tailored workshops to older adult service providers, including seniors centres, housing organizations, elder abuse programs, recreation resources, caregiver supports, health services, and outreach and support services. This training is designed for professionals and front-line staff who work with older adults. Participants receive an in-depth understanding of sexual violence, navigating disclosures, and how to best support older adults who have been impacted by sexual violence. Information is also provided on cognitive decline and consent, as well as dementia and inappropriate sexual behaviours.

Tailored Sessions

A tailored session can cover a wide variety of issues related to sexual violence and can be adapted to fit into a pre-determined time slot.

SACE Public Educators are also certified to facilitate a comprehensive, two-day training developed by the Alberta Association of Sexual Assault Services (AASAS). This First Responders to Sexual Assault & Abuse Training™ is designed for professionals seeking to deepen their knowledge of the full continuum of sexual violence across the lifespan, as well as how to effectively respond to disclosures of sexual abuse.

Education for Preschool Children

With 1 in 2 girls and 1 in 4 boys in Canada experiencing sexual abuse before the age of 18

SPEAK is an essential program that is being used by an increasing number of organizations and schools to address the issue of child sexual abuse in our community. SPEAK is designed to empower children with knowledge about their feelings and their bodies. SPEAK conveys a powerful message to children about their right to grow up abuse free.

For more information on SPEAK, or to book a SPEAK training session for your organization, please email the SACE Public Education department.

The Safe Preschoolers Education and Awareness Kit (SPEAK) was developed by SACE for use with students ages 3-5. The program is designed to provide both the tools and framework for educators to address the issue of child sexual abuse in their classrooms, and the training program to support those teachers and early childcare workers to deliver it effectively. SPEAK four to six-hour long information sessions are facilitated by the SACE public education team, providing preschool and early elementary professionals with information on child sexual abuse, and teaching them how to use SPEAK with their students. During the information sessions our Public Educators offer detailed information on how to identify indicators of sexual abuse, how to respond to children’s disclosures, and how to report child sexual abuse. Facilitators also provide an information session for parents whose children will be learning the kit in their classrooms.

The contents of SPEAK include 12 concept posters, an instruction manual, parent information, a puppet, coloring posters, and instructional activities. Participants also learn how to integrate the SPEAK kit into their daily learning. The purpose of the kit is to give children the tools they need to understand and communicate experiences of child sexual abuse to trusted adults. For children who do not experience abuse, the tools and general life skills will still be of benefit, as the primary messages taught in the kit focus on communication and the expression of feelings. SPEAK will promote affection and caring, and explain to children how to distinguish a good, caring touch from touches that make them feel uncomfortable. Children are encouraged to trust their feelings and to express their feelings. Building self-esteem in children is one of the best ways to protect them against sexual assault, and is also an effective tool in avoiding post-assault shame and self-blame.

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